It was well over a year ago, February 2014, that I met with Noah. He smiled but his eyes lacked the luster of excitement.I knew then that he wasn’t going
It’s not up until recently that I resumed my online prowling and interacting. Refreshing to see many avid readers greet me with a smile.“Geez, man! You’ve resurrected!” they say.“I haven’t,”
When the game concluded and the festivities spilled out to the streets, I felt grateful and wiser for having two of the major lessons of life reinforced in me. I would like to share them with you.
The first one materialized the very moment Peyton Manning missed the opening snap.
Meditation is such an adventure. Sometimes it's predictable. It shows you the path for the goals you want to achieve and brings calmness to your mind. Other times, you get
What a weekend this was!I can’t complain as I enjoyed the celebrations and had a superb time with loved ones. It gave me ample time to reflect on the fleeting
*** WARNING ***This post contains strong language that may offend certain sensitivities. Read at your discretion.If you were to ask me why I love scuba diving so much, I will
The sight of the fog crawling over Puget Sound is one that normally fills me with serenity. The ethereal aura is breathtaking and reduces my senses to a smile, lost
Music is one of the universal elements with which all of us can identify.They can stir emotions and recreate the elation or sadness that we felt the first time we
My father was of the philosophy that if you are going into the water, you might as well dive in. There’s no more torturous approach than the self-applied ritual of